Telford Homes is dedicated to a positive health and safety culture. This is underpinned by up-to-date policies, procedures, legal registers, risk assessments, appropriate precautionary control measures and adherence of all relevant building regulations at the time of construction.

In March 2023, Telford Homes signed the UK Government remediation contract, committing to remediate fire safety defects that do not meet current building regulations in residential buildings 11 metres or more in height that we developed or refurbished in England since 2000.

Telford Homes have set up a dedicated Remediation Team and undertaken a comprehensive audit of our buildings. We are working with independent fire safety engineers to assess the risk of these buildings under the latest PAS 9980 guidance issued by the DLUHC.

We are now working to deliver our programme diligently, balancing those buildings in the greatest need of remediation and sites where we can expedite construction.

For any queries relating to Telford Homes’ remediation work, email us at
