12 July 2019

The Pavilions in Islington has been awarded a prestigious Housing Design Award at a ceremony led by the housing and planning minister, Kit Malthouse MP. The development was one of only 12 completed schemes nationwide to receive these highly coveted awards. Judging is carried out through site visits by industry experts and government officials.

The Pavilions, designed by architects Jestico + Whiles, provides 156 homes, a mix of one, two and three bedroom homes for private rent with 38 per cent affordable housing. In addition to the new homes, the scheme is delivering a substantially enhanced Site of Importance for Nature Conservation, incorporating an educational nature trail and bird hide for use by local school and community groups.

Jon Di-Stefano, Chief Executive Officer of Telford Homes, said: “We are really delighted that The Pavilions in Islington has received a Housing Design Award. It was one of only 12 completed schemes nationwide to receive these highly coveted awards, with rigorous judging carried out through site visits. The judges recognised that in taking a derelict site and creating a wide range of very attractive homes for Londoners alongside a greatly enhanced Site of Importance of Nature Conservation award The Pavilions is a special place.”

The Housing Design Awards are the only awards promoted by all five major professional institutions – RICS, RIBA, RPTI, Landscape Institute and Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists. Launched in 1948 to promote design quality, the awards are also backed by Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), Homes England, Greater London Authority (GLA), Department of Health, National House Building Council (NHBC) and Home Builders Federation (HBF).

For further information please visit https://hdawards.org/
